03/29/2015: Heartland Church Sunday Message: "Barabbas"
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Powers That Be part 5
04/15/2012: Today's Media might as well be the False Prophet of Revelation. Bruce discusses Media's role in the downfall of America.
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Forgiveness in the Resurrection
04/08/2012: Resurrection Sunday: It is Hard to Forgive, but we learn true Forgiveness in the Resurrection of Christ. Bruce DeLay
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Soul & Spirit lesson 8
04/04/2012: Series continued: "Overseeing the Soul" Bruce DeLay
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The Fool
04/01/2012: April 1 "The Fool has said in his heart 'There is No God'" Rise of the Atheist movement in America. Bruce DeLay
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Soul & Spirit lesson 7
03/28/2012: Series continued: 3 kinds of men in the earth; 3 Fathers.
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Soul & Spirit part 6
03/21/2012: Bruce continues the Series with part 6: "The Saving of the Soul"
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Powers That Be part 3
03/11/2012: Bruce continues with the 'Powers That Be' Series - This week showing how to Combat Principalities and Powers with The Divine Strategy God has given us for the Battle.
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Soul & Spirit part 5
03/07/2012: Bruce continues the Series - with part 5, Tonight dealing with "The Soul Realm".
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Soul and Spirit Lesson 3
02/22/2012: Third in a Series on Hebrews 4:12 "The Dividing of Soul and Spirit" by Bruce DeLay at HQ.
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Dividing Soul & Sprirt part 3
02/14/2012: Bruce continues the Dividing Asunder of Soul & Spirit series with Part 3.
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Soul & Spirit 2
02/10/2012: Part 2 in the "Soul & Spirit" Series. Bruce DeLay
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Soul & Spirit 1
02/08/2012: Bruce begins a Series on Hebrews 4:12 regarding: "The Soul & Spirit" of man. What's the difference between the two? To fail to understand the depths of this teaching, is to fail to know How our Father works to achieve maturity in the lives of His children.
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Eternal Purpose 1 1 2012
01/01/2012: As 2012 begins, Bruce describes the Eternal Purpose.
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Feeling After God
12/14/2011: Act 17. Bruce imparts the lost art of earnestly Seeking the Lord.
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Knowing Your Family
11/20/2011: As Thanksgiving Week approaches: Bruce discusses "disfunctional families", knowing Who we are in Christ, and Who our real Family truly is.
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Beauty for Ashes in Zion
11/06/2011: Bruce DeLay
What is / Who is Zion? What has God promised for us in Zion?
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Bill McArthur
10/26/2011: Is America Great? What made America so Great for so long? Do Progressivism,Communisim,Socialism have a place in the American Pulpit? Guest Speaker Bill McArthur brings clarity to specific dangerous Heresies which are creeping into our Churches. Bill tells us exactly what to look for, when recognizing Satan's subversion of the Christian Church in America.
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Fig Leaves
10/02/2011: "Fig Leaves and Aprons". Bruce DeLay joins hundreds of Preachers on "Pulpit Freedom Sunday" as he Confronts Sin in the American political realm. American Pulpits - under threat of censor by the Hate Crimes Law, IRS restrictions, etc. - Must be called back to the fearless proclamation of Truth. The hour is much too late for our Nation, to remain silent on the sin-issues of the day from our Pulpits.
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Personal Responsibility
08/28/2011: In the last installment of the Creation vrs Evolution Series, Bruce deals with the fundamental differences of believing Darwinism: namely, there is no need to Repent if you do not believe in a Creator or a Savior. Any expression of Personal Responsibility (which is a forgotten virtue today), starts with true Repentance before God. Bruce leads us through the depths of repentance, how it works, and how vital it is to walk in a daily lifestyle of Repentance.
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The Evil of Evolution
08/21/2011: In part 3 of a Series on Creation/Evolution, Bruce DeLay deals with Charles Darwin, the origin of Darwin's Theory, and the Evil of Evolutionary Authority. Tyranny is born of Man's desire to be God.
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Endowed by our Creator
08/14/2011: In the Second in a series on Creation vrs Evolution, Bruce deals with the Founders and why they wrote "Endowed by our Creator" in the Declaration of Independence. Exactly what did God give to His creation, and how do we now live in it?
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The Great Awakening
08/10/2011: What was the "Great Awakening" in American History, and how did the it effect the Founding Fathers and the Founding Documents of America? Bruce gives historical perspective.
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Creation part 1
08/07/2011: Bruce tackles the War of Evolution vrs Creation in the first of a Series on the subject. If we hope to defeat the Enemy, we must understand why we are Creationists, and why the arrogant, unproven Theory of Evolution is from the pit of Hell.
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Founder's Prayer Meeting Psalm 35
08/03/2011: The First Continental Congress in 1774 began with a 3 hour Prayer Mtg. Do we need to have another Psalm 35 Prayer mtg in America today? Bruce discusses the historic power of prayer.
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How's Your Mental Health?
07/27/2011: Bruce discusses how to keep your sanity in the midst of an Insane world. Basic Biblical truth conserning how to stay out of depression, discouragemnent, etc.
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You have heard it said, But I say...
07/20/2011: Wading through Local Media lies and Standing up for Righteousness and Truth. Bruce discusses how to determine what the truth really is, and debunks the media hype about Tulsa City Councilman Jim Mautino.
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Border Trip Report Eldon, Bill, Bruce
07/10/2011: After a Ministry Trip to Cochise County, AZ - 3 Heartland men relate their experiances to the Sunday morning crowd at Heartland Church.
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Women's Role part 2 Bruce
07/06/2011: Bruce discusses "The Reprobate Mind" after returning from the US/Mexican Border. Then Bruce teaches part 2 of "Women's Role's", a series he started last week.
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Bill Darr 7 3 11
07/03/2011: "Is This All there Is?" ON July 4 Weekend, Heartland Church Elder Bill Darr discusses how to overcome the negative headlines and Live in the Light with Christ.
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Will the Truth really set you Free?
06/26/2011: Bruce DeLay discusses the modern desecration of Truth, and which Truth will genuinely result in your Freedom.
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Buy The Truth & Sell it Not
06/19/2011: On Father's Day, Bruce speaks about how to Buy the Truth in an age of epic Deception.
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Vision Sunday
06/12/2011: Vision for future of Heartland Church. Bruce DeLay
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In Search Of The Church
06/08/2011: Great Churches in Colonial America and how Heartland can impact our world today.
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"Write the Vision"
06/05/2011: Bruce DeLay on: Preparation for "Vision Sunday"
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Will the Real Israel Please Stand Up?
06/01/2011: Israel is in the News. But which Israel should we be concerned with? The OT Believers? The Secular Nation? or Spiritual Israel, The Church?
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"Sell Your Cloak and Buy a Sword"
05/29/2011: On Memorial Day Bruce DeLay on: Christians and Guns
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Courage and Strength in the Face of Danger
05/15/2011: Message by South African Pastor Charl van Wyk
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Communism or Christianity?
05/15/2011: Pastors Bruce DeLay and Charl van Wyk
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Apostacy in the Church
04/27/2011: Bruce Delay discusses the Book of Jude which instructs us to: "Earnestly contend for the Faith which was once delivered to the Saints."
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04/03/2011: Bruce Delay on "Prodigal Son; Prodigal Church; Prodigal Nation"
Luke Chapter 15; "And when he had spent all... he began to be in want."
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'The Big Picture'
03/30/2011: Bruce teaches on "seeing everything in life through the "corrective lenses" called God's Word" - Click for PowerPoint
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Testimonies of Following Christ
03/06/2011: Bruce teaches on "The Father is coming to the house".
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Repentance, Revival, Revolution
02/20/2011: David Preaches on "We have a problem in this Room, this Country, this State"
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Soul and Spirit part 3
02/09/2011: Bruce continues the series on the Dividing Asunder of Soul and Spirit - Lesson 3. Hebrews 4:12
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The Government of God part 3
01/23/2011: Bruce discusses the consequences of America having come out from under God's Government at a Men's meeting held in Oklahoma and Arizona via video camera.
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Sheep in the Midst of Wolves
01/09/2011: Bruce discusses the shooting in Tucson and how Christians are to live in this dangerous world. Matthew 10:16.
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Abortion = Slavery
10/17/2010: Both were and are National sins that will change America if repented of. Key Scriptures; Genesis 1:26 & Psalm 102.
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Teaching On The War Psalms
10/13/2010: All those who love the Lord hate evil. A characteristic of a Christian is that they stand against evil. Based on Psalm 97:10.
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The Principle of Joints and Marrow
10/10/2010: Bill Simotti from Sierra Vista, AZ gives his personal testimony of God's blessing based on Deuteronomy 12:7. Also, Bruce teaches from Hebrews 4:12 about "The Principle of Joints and Marrow."
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Turn From Fleshly Lusts
10/03/2010: Listen as two of the Heartland Elders give their thoughts on a recent court case. This Sunday, Bruce ministers on turning away from the lusts of the flesh.
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The War Psalms
09/29/2010: Join Bruce and the Heartland folks as he ministers on the rarely preached Imprecatory or "War Psalms."
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Pulpit Freedom Sunday
09/26/2010: Bruce makes some surprising comments on "The Pulpit Initiative", a courageous effort by the Alliance Defense Fund and Christian Preachers across America to break the fear of Churches losing their Tax Exempt status.
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Do Not Be Overcome With Evil
09/26/2010: Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. Romans 12:21; Sobering Scriptures regarding what must be done to overcome evil in America. Speaker: Bruce DeLay.
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God's Govt. for the Local Church
09/22/2010: Join Bruce for this Church Leadership Training Session - Video Conference from Oklahoma with men in Sierra Vista, AZ. "God's Government for the Local Church."
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How To Make The Right Decisions
09/19/2010: This week's sermon deals with the subject, "How To Make The Right Decisions" according to the Word of God.
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Making of America pt 2
08/25/2010: Bill McArthur teaches pt 2 in the "Making of America" Series. The Christian influence in America's Founders' lives, and in our Founding Documents.
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Women's Role part 1 Bruce
06/30/2010: Bruce discusses Biblical truth regarding Women's Role, using the OT story of: Deborah - a Judge in Israel.
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Women's Role part 1
06/30/2010: Bruce discusses the Biblical Role and Order of Male and Female.
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